Refer a Friend

Refer a Friend

If you know someone who shares Avalon’s values, and would make a real difference to the lives of the people we support, why not recommend them to us?

When you refer a friend to The Avalon Group, either to become a Support Worker or a Shared Lives Carer, you receive £250*

Fill out the form below

    Your details

    The person being referred

    Terms and Conditions of the Scheme

    Where paid to employees, all payments will be subject to Tax and National Insurance deductions and are pensionable. Referrals must be made to the Recruitment team before the person applies for a position – referrals made at a later stage will not be accepted. Verbal referrals are not permitted – referrals must be made on the scheme form. The referred person must not have been previously employed by The Avalon Group nor must they have previously been approved as a Shared Lives Carer. The introducer must still be employed by The Avalon Group, or for Shared Lives must still be approved at the point where the referred person completes each stage of the process. Retrospective referrals are not permitted. Those referred under this scheme will undertake the same recruitment process as all other applicants. The bonus payment is not payable to those who have been involved in the interview process for the person referred under this scheme. You must not refer any person under this scheme where referring the individual breaches any duty you may owe to any other organisation or person. The introducer agrees to refund on demand (without any time limit) any bonus where they are found to be in breach of these terms. The Avalon Group reserves the right to amend or withdraw this scheme at any time, or to change the amount of the bonus.