Gender Pay Gap Report 2023

Avalon Group (Social Care) is an adult social care charity providing person-centred support to working age adults, promoting independence and choice in their everyday lives.

The Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017 requires any legal entity with more than 250 employees to produce an annual report of the pay gap between its male and female employees.  The following report has been produced in compliance with these regulations and provides the results of the statutory calculations based on the snapshot date of 5 April 2023.

On this date Avalon Group had 281 employees relevant to this analysis, with a gender split of 73% female and 27% male.

The gender pay gap is the difference in average salaries between men and women irrespective of roles and seniority. This measure is different to that of equal pay, which looks at the difference in the total earnings for men and women performing equal or comparable work.

Gender pay gap calculation results

2023 2022
Mean gender pay gap -5.69% £0.62 0.11% £-0.04
Median gender pay gap 0.00% £0.00 0.00% £0.00

The Mean Gender Pay Gap shows the mean hourly rate for women at Avalon is 5.69% more than men, with females earning £11.51 per hour compared to males who earn £10.89 per hour.

There is no Median Gender Pay Gap.

The proportion of male and female employees at each quartile pay band is shown below:

  2023 2022
Pay Quartiles Male Female Male Female
Quartile 1 – Lower 23% 77% 29% 71%
Quartile 2 – Lower Middle 31% 69% 22% 78%
Quartile 3 – Upper Middle 34% 66% 31% 69%
Quartile 4 – Upper 19% 81% 19% 81%

Bonus Gender Pay Gap

Avalon has introduced bonus payments to support ongoing recruitment which include a welcome incentive and ‘Refer a Friend’ scheme.

2023 2022
Mean gender pay gap bonus pay -2.67% £7.50 0.11% £4.86
Median gender pay gap bonus pay 0.00% £0.00 0.46% £0.00

11% of men and 10% of females received a bonus payment.  These figures are much lower than in previous years as this reporting period we did not have any bonus payments awarded to all employees as we saw in previous years.

Analysis of our Data

Our gender pay gap continues to remain stable, with our figures showing that females are earning more than males, although the gap is small.  This is due to female representation at our senior manager level in the reporting period, together with a small proportion of higher earners (due to hours and shifts) in Support Worker/Support Co-ordinator roles.

The quartile splits show a higher proportion of females across all of the quarters and is in line with our overall organisational split of 73% female workforce.

According to the ONS Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings, the gender pay gap among all employees was 14.3% in 2023, compared with 14.4% in 2022 showing males earning more than females.  Our results indicate that our pay gap in favour of female employees goes against the national trend.

Our figures compare to sector data published for Care Workers and Home Carers (ONS survey) who nationally have a pay gap of -0.3% with female workers earning slightly more than male workers with an average hourly rate of £11.82 per hour compared to males who receive £11.79 per hour (ONS Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings).

We remain committed to providing equal employment opportunities for all employees and job applicants, and will continue to review our policies and procedures to ensure we uphold this commitment.

Emma Williams

Chief Executive

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